- as requested by the class, etymology of the word nematode ("nema", thread: hence, "threadlike things"
- a dozen amazing nematode facts courtesy of UCal Berkeley via the www
- nematode anatomy information: musculature, neurophysiology, cell layers
- Electron microscope images of nematodes
- cross-section diagrams of nematodes at various points
- a box of actual nematodes from the garden store, plus microscope to look at them
- some actual grubs from my back yard, for an experiment, to see if the nematodes from the garden store will eat the grubs as advertised
Well, nobody complained about too much nematode content, although I fear the focus may have faded a bit by the end and I am not entirely sure how many of the class quite grasped that there was a controlled experiment being launched. I'm writing from on the road here so I haven't had a chance to check back. Like all real experiments, this one has a good chance of giving muddled and illegible results: like for example if my trusty helpers don't remember to water them and the grubs just all die of thirst whether they are in the "with nematodes" beaker or the "no nematodes" beaker.
As far as K class, I was even tempted to bring them a few hundred thousand nematodes too. Then I reflected, they haven't even seen The Invention (see post from a couple weeks ago), and we could have a pretty good thrill just looking at sugar and salt crystals in the stereomicroscope. Which we did.
The Question Box was so stuffed they hadn't even been able to cram more Question Cards into it! Is this a fabulous gang of kids or what? I emptied the box, and am saving the cards for posterity. I wonder if I can get these things bronzed.
No class 14 Nov (due to my travel) or 28 Nov (ditto).
I received a lesson from my Silver Surfer just today on the beauty of nematodes and was advised to purchase a box of nematodes from the nursery. I was told that nematodes are amazing microsopic creatures and we need them because they will eat all of the bad things in our soil like grubs and other stuff.
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